The dashboard includes a functionality that allows for the flexible display of child courier partners on the Tracking Page provided by ClickPost.
Use Case: If you are using any aggregator[Shirpocket, Proship] and you want to populate the child courier partner then you can utilize this functionality.
Prerequisite: Please ensure you have created a child courier partner account name under the Aggregator courier partner. For example, if you are using ProShip as the aggregator, you need to create child courier partner account names. This will ensure that they appear correctly on the tracking page. Refer to the attached snapshot for reference.
You need to follow the below steps to navigate it on the dashboard.
Dashboard Login>>Settings>>Tracking Page>>Branded Theme
Under the Branded Theme, you need to enable the below-mentioned option.
Once the "Display Carrier Account Name for Tech Service Provider" option is enabled the child courier partner will start populating on the tracking page. Sharing a snapshot of the same below for reference.