Uploading the list of Pre-Assign AWBs is a requisite for a few courier partners. In order to make changes to Pre-Assign AWBs, visit

Settings >> Select the Courier Partner >> scroll down to Pre-Assign AWBs tab >> Change

In order to upload a new list of Pre-Assign AWBs, please follow the below steps:

  1. Select the Order Type (Prepaid/COD)
  2. Download the Sample File for Uploading
  3. Add AWBs shared by the courier partners in the sample file
  4. Save and upload the file

In order to delete the already existing series of AWBs and upload the list of new Pre-Assign AWB series, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Download the list of already uploaded AWBs by clicking on the cloud icon given beside "No. of AWB's uploaded" by sharing your email id. You shall get the data in the form of a report on your email. 
  2. Download the sample file for Deleting the AWBs
  3. Add AWBs downloaded in the sample file
  4. Upload the file to Delete. 
  5. Refresh the page
  6. Add the list of new AWBs by following the steps mentioned above. 

In case of any queries, feel free to reach us out at support@clickpost.in

We shall be happy to help!